Returning to School after Covid-19 Resources

We have collated a variety of returning to school after Covid-19 resources with an emphasis on well-being.
- There are various resources written for schools, parents, and children which are highlighted in our collated resource here (updated 13/10/21).
- We have also created a list of our own for parents here.
- There are a few good social stories we found for students with an intellectual disability or autism. One from Aspect Australia and another from Down Syndrome Canada.
- We have also located a great resource for carers of children in out of home care (from Victoria) and for an action plan for students who school refuse (Rise UK).
- We also like these resources from NBMLHD Got It team especially this one on Saying goodbye at the gate. Other one page sheets include: Preparing to return and Re-establishing routines.
- Our SCHN Westmead Eating Disorder Service have created a tip sheet for Transitioning out of lockdown.
- Check out this great UK NHS resource for teenagers with excellent work sheets on managing emotions and other ractical elements of coming out of lockdown.