Children and adolescents with an intellectual disability have complex health problems. Communication limitations can make it difficult for carers and professional staff to identify health problems of concern. Mental illness is also difficult to diagnose. Some interesting information about children and adolescents with an intellectual disability:
- display the same array of mental illness as the general population.
- experience mental health problems and disorders at a rate that is three to four times higher (up to 40.7% as identified by Einfield and Tonge 1996, 2000) than school aged children (14% as identified by Sawyer et al 2000).
- comprise only 3% of the population, they comprise 14% of all children and adolescents with a mental health disorder (Emerson and Hatton 2007).
For more information about children and adoelscents with an intellectual disability and mental health problems or disorders, please read our newsletters and refer to the publication section of this website.
For a Children's Hospital at Westmead factsheet on intellectual disability please click here.
For an understanding of how mental health affects children with an intellectual disability, the resource pictured below from the UK is very helpful. Simply click on the picture to download the PDF.