
Click here to find out about the MHID Hub including forms.

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Latest Journal

Click here for a copy of our latest Journal Edition. Volume 14, Issue 1, 2024.


School-Link E-list

Join our free e-list here to receive resources, primarily the CHW School-Link Journal, and from time to time other relevant material concerning the mental health of children and adolescents with an intellectual or developmental disability.

CHW School-Link Brochure

Download our latest CHW School-Link service brochure here: 

Guidelines on Pathways to Care

A guide for parents and carers: Guidelines on Pathways to Care for children and adolescents with intellectual disability and challenging behaviour and/or mental health problems.  

Excutive Summary

View the executive summary of the "Leading the Way in Mental Health and Intellectual Disability" needs analysis report here.


Behaviour Support in Schools

View the 2017 Obudsman Inquiry into behaviour management in schools. This report focuses on issues concerning students with complex needs and challenging behaviour. The report discusses the difficult challenges that schools face, but also draws attention to reasonable steps that can and should be taken to meet the learning and support needs of students, within a framework of best practice and evidence-based behaviour support.




New resource: Getting young people with disabilities ready for study and work: A guide for parents

The National Disability Coordination Officer Program  are pleased to promote the latest in the “Get Ready” range of resources - Getting young people with disabilities ready for study and work: A guide for parents. This resource aims to support parents and carers of young people with disability through the process of transition from high school into post-secondary education, training and work. 

The resource was developed from evidence from research and best practice. Across the country over 120 NDCOs, parents, educators and other stakeholders contributed to the design and development of the resource and we extend our thanks to those who gave their time and expertise.
The Guide, including a range of supplementary factsheets, includes comprehensive content on topics such as:

  • top ten tips for parents and carers;
  • explanation of the transition process and elements of good transition planning;
  • advice on the positive roles parents can play during transition, navigating their changing parental roles during the process, overcoming common transition barriers; and working constructively with professionals involved;
  • overall description of post-school pathways, how to access disability support and where to find more information; and
  • facts on disability and privacy rights and responsibilities of young people with a disability.      

The Guide, and the 13 supplementary fact sheets, are all available for free download from our website at - check it out today!


The Review of Disability Studies: An international journal

This free online international journal founded by the Center on Disability Studies at the University of Hawaii, contains research articles, essays, and bibliographies relating to the culture of disability and people with disabilities. It also publishes forums on disability topics brought together by forum editors of international stature. Poetry, short stories, creative essays, photographs, and art work related to disability are also welcome. The journal is published four times a year, and each issue runs approximately 50 pages.

Download the pdf online or you can also subscribe for a small fee to receive a hard copy.


CHW School-Link Guest Speaker at Child Psychology Seminar

The CHW School-Link team (Jodie Caruana and Hebah Saleh) are guest presenting for the Child Psychology Seminar Series on Monday 4th June from 3-5pm at The Children's Hospital at Westmead on the topic of mental health and intellectual disability.

By the end of this presentation participants will have:
1. A fuller understanding of the literature on mental health and intellectual disability of children and adolescents.
2. Identified current interventions for this population.
3. Identified Prevention Promotion and Early Intervention Programs (PPEI) suitable for this population.
4. A better understanding of the pathways to care for this population.
5. A knowledge of the relevant sources of professional development on this topic.

Cost (including GST): $20; $10 Full-time students with student ID

Please see the attached flyer (in word) or (in pdf) for more information.


Free Online Autism Film Club

To celebrate World Autism Awareness Month in April, the UK organisation Ambitious about Autism is bringing some of the best and most recent films about autism straight to your computer screen. Called ‘Autism Film Club’, the programme will feature four online film screenings on our website during April 2012.

Films include:

The Austism Puzzle (4 April 2012 UK)

Neurotypical (11 April 2012 UK)

Animating Autism (18 April UK)

Loving Lampposts (25 April UK)

How to register:

All four Autism Film Club titles can be streamed for a 24 hour period at no charge; all you need is an Autism Film Club password and the links to the films which can be gained by registering for the emails. The password will be sent to you by email and is valid for all four Autism Film Club films.

Register online here.


Newsletter Volume 3 Issue 1

The March 2012 edition our newsletter (volume 3 issue 1) on mental health and intellectual disability in children and adolescents is now available.

Highlights include:

Mental Health Problems: Disorders of Social Development caused by maladaptation's of ‘Theory of Mind’? A Developmental Psychiatry View by Associate Professor David Dossetor

A focus on Fragile X Syndrome

Organisation Profile: WWILD-SVP

Conference Review: Translating Genetics to Phenotype: the Society for the Study for Behavioural Phenotypes Research Symposium, Brisbane

Justice Health School-Link Initiative: supporting young offenders get back on track through education.. by Kim Eisler

Transcribe 2011 Young writers entry: Some Miracles Work by Vivian Tran

Siblings Australia resources by Barbara Fleming

The Medicine Cabinet: Obesity- Problem of number and size by Judy Longworth

Upcoming training, Resources/reading list, In the news/reviews.